The goal of the IA CID Storefront Improvement Rebate (S.I.R.) is to support local businesses within the CID District by funding for exterior repairs and/or impovements. The cost of approved projects can be reimbursed up to $5,000 or 50% of a project, up to $10,000.
- S.I.R. is open to any properties in the Independence Avenue CID boundaries.
- Applications must be approved prior to the commencement of the project. No retro-active reimbursements will be isssued.
- All applications are subject to approval of the Independence Avenue CID Review Committee.
- An applicant is eligible for one rebate per approved project PER CALENDAR YEAR.
- Grant application may be sumitted by either a business or property owner, as long as both parties agree. All rebate monies will be issued as a reimbursement to the applicant.
- A business must have a valid Occupational License with the city of Kanasas City at the time of applying.
- Projects must meet all applicable City Zoning, Sign, and Building Code requirements.
- Applications are accepted throughtout the year, AS LONG AS FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE.
- Applications are reviewed on a First Come First Serve basis from the time a complete submittal is received until all rebate money is allocated.
- Projects must be completed within 180 days of application approval , unless a written extension is sumitted before the expiration date by the applicant and approved by the review committee.
- Reimbursements are presented within 2 weeks and up to 30 days after submittal of the required documentation (i.e. receipts, proof of payment, etc.) and IA CID staff inspection of the finished work.
- Removing and/or replacing siding or facades
- Fixing or replacing handrails
- Repairing or installing gutter and downspout systems in combination with other facade improvement
- Tuck-pointing brick and masonry
- Repairing or replacing cornices, trim, or other architectural details
- Painting and cleaning exterior
- Adding approved, architecturally interesting, features or repairing existing architectural features
- Installing or replacing exterior lighting
- Improving streetscape and landscape (as a part of the project)
- Repairing/replacing parking lots, driveways and sidewalks
- Replacing doors and windows
- Decorative fencing (such as wrought iron fencing, excludes bared-wire or razor-wire)
- Contracted labor
- Interior work
- Electrical Improvement (Excluding exterior lighting)
- HVAC improvements
- Property acquisitions
- Equipment, furniture, and fixtures
- Roofs (portions NOT visible from the public right-of-way)
- In-house labor by property owner, tenant, or employees
- Contact an AI CID Urban Planner for a pre-application meeting to discuss the project and its requirements.
- Submit a rebate application and “Before” photos of your project for a formal presentation with the Independence Avenue S.I.R. Review Committee for authorization to proceed.
- Once applications have been approved, complete the work within 180 day. Once done, contact an IA CID urban planner for an inspection of finished work. Adjustments might be required for final board approval.
- Upon competion of the project, submit all receipts, proof of payment and “after” photos for review and inspenction.
- If all programs requirements have been met, the independence Avenue CID will reimburse the applicant up to 50% of approved cost not to exceed $5,000 per project.
2629-33 Independence Blvd – replace overhang material, replace storefront signage, paint exterior facade, re-pave & re-strip parking lot.


3401 Independence Blvd – install storefront hanging sign.


3801 Independence Blvd – repair parking lot cracks, pour new asphalt, paint parking lines, and install new parking stops.


4845 Independence Ave – Repainted the building.
